
Given time to reflect after Barack Hussein Obama declared amnesty to illegal aliens without a shred of constitutional authority, a very similar and undeniable comparison can be made with Abraham Lincoln. Obama previously said that he had no authority to declare amnesty and that he was the president and not the emperor of America, which was truth spoken, only to later lie and profess that he does indeed have that authority.

In 1848, then Congressman Abraham Lincoln gave a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives advocating the right of secession. He even went as far to declare secession as a sacred right, meaning divine or holy, only to totally reverse and declare secession as anarchy after he became president. That is quite a contrast!

During his first inaugural address, he stated: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so. Lincoln again totally countermanded his own direct statement when he unlawfully issued his Emancipation Proclamation without a shred of constitutional authority. He falsely claimed that he had “war powers” when he invoked this edict, which do not exist in the US Constitution.

According to the US Constitution, the executive branch of government has no more, or no less powers than the Constitution delegates to him. The president does indeed have certain powers but none of which can circumvent the Constitution that he is sworn to “preserve, protect and defend.” Whoever egregiously believes the president possesses the authority to act upon his own authorization as would a king, czar, emperor, or dictator is totally clueless concerning the intent US Constitution as well as the political ideology of the Founding Fathers. Does one earnestly believe they desired the president to be entrusted with authority that would allow him to act independently of the US Constitution? It does indeed take a delusional mind to believe this since the Founding Fathers were previously governed by a tyrannical king and certainly had no appetite to be dictated to by another.

Lincoln was the first president to flagrantly usurp the Constitution and every president since him has invoked these same invisible powers. The comparisons between these two self-appointed dictators are eerily similar excepting Obama has not unlawfully made war on his own countrymen with the US military. At least not yet he hasn’t.

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